30 May 2006


"What you want for your bdae present?" This question was posted to me by my bf last sat when we were having dinner. He wants me to tell him what I want as to avoid getting something which I dislike....However at this point of time, I cant think of anything which I would love to own...bags? jewellery? watch?

Shopping around for pressie is really brain whacking especially during this period of time as most of my close friends' bdae fall around this period including mine. Lucky for me, me and my friends have scraped off the idea of buying individual pressies for each other. For this year, we will get a pressie each then we shall lucky dip to see who get whose pressie. In this way we only need to whack our brain once instead of 4! Haha!

What I want for pressie List
  1. Blythe doll
  2. Clothes for blythe dolls
  3. Porter International reversible canvas tote bag (but is S$189!)
  4. LSS Tokidoki Playground print Mamma Mia (not in spore yet but will not be cheap too...)

cant think of anymore right now....but I think the above list is quite useless....I doubt dear will get me any of the above...Haha!

24 May 2006

work + tired

Ever since I came back from my MC, work seems to be neverending. Before I finish my current quotes, new quotes come in awaiting for me to do. Thats why these days I have been working till 10pm. These days I also get tired easily, dont know whether due to my anaemia coming back. When I went for a blood test prior to my wisdom tooth extraction, I was told by the dentist that I have low blood count and I need to take iron supplements.

Extracted from the internet, below is the explanation of anaemia :-

What is anaemia?
Anaemia is a deficiency of red blood cells, which can lead to a lack of oxygen-carrying ability, causing unusual tiredness and other symptoms. The deficiency occurs either through the reduced production or an increased loss of red blood cells. These cells are manufactured in the bone marrow and have a life expectancy of approximately four months.To produce red blood cells, the body needs (among other things) iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. If there is a lack of one or more of these ingredients anaemia will develop.

What are red blood cells?
Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow and circulate in the blood. Through its pumping action, the heart propels the blood around the body through the arteries. The red blood cells obtain oxygen in the lungs and carry it to all the body's cells.The cells use the oxygen to fuel the combustion (burning) of sugar and fat which produces the body's energy.During this process called oxidation, carbon dioxide is created as a waste product. It binds itself to the red blood cells that have delivered their load of oxygen. The carbon dioxide is then transported back to the lungs where it is exchanged for fresh oxygen by breathing.

What causes iron deficiency?
Most cases of iron deficiency in children are caused by eating a poor diet containing little iron. In adults, however it is most commonly caused by losing blood faster than the body can remake it.

A lack of iron in the diet is common in vegetarians because the main general dietary source is red meat. Babies can develop iron deficiency, especially if they have been born prematurely. Their storage of iron is usually not completed until the final stages of pregnancy.

An increased need for iron arises when a large amount of cell divisions occur, such as during pregnancy, and during periods of rapid childhood growth.

Reduced absorption from the intestine of iron can be caused by diseases of the small intestine such as gluten intolerance (coeliac sprue) or Crohn's disease (inflammation of the intestine).

Always consult a doctor for unexplained iron deficiency. The cause could be small ruptures in the intestine due to cancer or polyps (small growths). Ulcers in the stomach and duodenum can also lead to iron deficiency anaemia. This loss of blood from the digestive tract may be so slight as to be undetected on its own.

Iron deficiency is more frequent in women who smoke, eat a diet low in iron and have heavy periods.

What are the symptoms of anaemia due to iron deficiency?

  • If a person is otherwise healthy, symptoms seldom appear before the haemoglobin (red pigment) drops below 10g/dl.
  • The first symptoms will be tiredness and palpitations (awareness of the heartbeat).
  • Shortness of breath and dizziness is common.
  • If the anaemia is severe, angina (chest pain), headache and leg pains (intermittent claudication) can occur.

Besides the general symptoms of anaemia there will be unique symptoms in pronounced and long-term cases of iron deficiency. These will be especially noticeable in the tongue and throat and include:

  • a burning sensation in the tongue.
  • dryness in the mouth and throat.
  • sores at the corners of the mouth.
  • an altered sense of touch.
  • a smooth tongue.
  • in extreme cases the nails can become brittle and spoon shaped with vertical stripes and a tendency to fray.
  • or a 'pica' can arise - an insatiable craving for a specific food, eg liquorice.
  • brittle hair.
  • difficulty in swallowing.

Possible deterioration

Shortness of breath, palpitation and angina.

ron deficiency can in rare cases cause permanent changes to the mucosa (soft lining) in the throat (Plummer-Vinson syndrome). This condition is a preliminary stage to cancer.

How does a doctor diagnose anaemia due to iron deficiency?

First, the doctor must be sure that the patient suffers from anaemia and will probably request a blood test. With the result of the blood test, an analysis of the red blood cells will usually be included. In cases of pronounced iron deficiency the red blood cells will be small and pale.

An iron deficiency can be identified by techniques that examine the proteins involved in the storage and transport of iron through the body (ferritin and transferrin).

What can the doctor do to treat anaemia due to iron deficiency?

  • Examine the patient and prescribe appropriate treatment to deal with the causes of the illness.
  • Prescribe an iron supplement.


  • Iron preparations. Iron tablets will rapidly reverse anaemia if the underlying cause of blood loss has been treated. The tablets can irritate the stomach and should be taken after food if this is the case. Iron tablets may colour the stools black and may cause constipation or sometimes diarrhoea. Very occasionally there may be a need for intramuscular iron injections to be given instead of tablets, but this is far less common.

What can be done to avoid anaemia

  • Eating a varied diet.
  • Good sources of iron include liver, beef, wholemeal bread, cereals, eggs and dried fruit.
  • A doctor should always be consulted immediately if there is loss of blood in the stools or urine. Medical advice should also be sought about persistently heavy periods.
  • A woman who is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, should talk to her doctor about iron supplements.

I have to start to eat iron supplements again...must make a mental note to get the tablets from the pharmacy.

16 May 2006

blythe loots

Yeah! I received my blythe clothings in mail today! The hoodie vest and the striped tshirt will look great on the gals! Hehe! Cant wait to try them on the gals. Hmmm...have to start thinking which is the lucky gal, or should I say which is my favourite gal at the moment...Hehe! By the way, the 2 postcards were free gifts of the purchase. Very cute right?
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11 May 2006

porter international + belt + hair

Read from Cleo (june) that Porter International has opened a shop in Wisma Atria! Yippee Yeah! I have been eyeing on their bags for sometime already. I like their casual look design and most of all the storage space! But me being a muddle head, forgotten to peek into their new shop just now when I was at Wisma. Sigh sigh! Hmmm...must make a mental note to head down there to take a look on their collection and see whether there is any black comfy roomy tote bag around.

While taking train back home, a kid played with my belt! I was standing against the glass panel adjacent to the seats when I felt that someone is touching my belt. I turn around and saw the kid putting her finger in and out of the holes in my MNG belt. Maybe she find it interesting...haha!

Tomorrow morning I will be visiting my hair stylist to straighten my permed locks. Had my permed hair for about 1 yr now, so decide to go for a change and maybe at the end of the year will reperm again...hehe! So just now I told dear that I decide to straighten my hair, he asked why. Then I replied that is because he like. He laughed and commented that I never listen to him even though he told me previously that he prefer me to have straight hair (I went to perm) and not to buy anymore blythe doll (I am still buying...)...haha! Me a stubborm gal?

08 May 2006

cowboy dollcena

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isst she a sweetie cutie?? Her eyes can close when lying down, just like petite blythe.

05 May 2006

meals of the day

Bfast - nothing (cannot eat)
Lunch - nothing (waiting for surgery)
Dinner - porridge

Bfast - cup of milo and porridge
Lunch - porridge...again
Dinner - a few mouthful of porridge (gastric not feeling well)
Supper - cup of yougurt

Bfast - cup of milo
Lunch - cup of yougurt and instant porridge
Dinner - mian xian with soup

still feeling hungry but there is nothing for me to eat. cant chew, cant bite, so cant eat much things...

04 May 2006

pig head

Yesterday, I went to National Dental Centre to have 4 of my wisdom teeth to be removed. Therefore right now, I looked like a pig head with my cheeks swollen up especially on the left side. Sigh! Now have to take liquid diet, so will be eating porridge everyday. Sigh Sigh! My throat also slightly hurts. As explained by the dentist, during the surgery a tube was inserted through my nose and down my throat. Then it will inflate into a balloon to prevent blood and saliva to go down my throat during the surgery.

I am given 8 days of MC but think will return back to work earlier if there is not much pain. Scared that my colleague cannot cope with all the work. Then on next thurs morning, have to go back to NDC to remove the stitches....dont know whether will be pain or not....

02 May 2006


Went to attend my bro's convocation at the Singapore Conference Hall yesterday. I was astounded by the way some of the graduates wore, to be exact - the gals! Some of them were wearing open toe heels - with the bling blings, white boots, red pointed toe heels etc...OMG! It just look so weird with their black gowns. One of them was even worst. She was wearing a blue sleeveless dress with pale blue SLIPPERS!! *faint* I could remember clearly that on mine and my sister's convocation, there is a dress code where the gals have to wear a white top, black or navy blue pants/skirt and black covered shoes. Sigh...time have certainly changed within a short span of 4 years....

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01 May 2006

blythe gathering + stone grill

I went for e mini blythe gathering last sat at Marche Suntec. I was shy so did not really interact with all the gals except for karen who is sitting beside me. Haha! I find it hard to break the ice with them, well I always find it hard to break the ice with strangers or people whom I first met, especially in big groups.

Anyway below are the pics I took which are not a lot, compared to the other gals who went round marche finding nice spots to take pics. I just sat on my seat the whole afternoon... =(

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After the gathering, went for dinner at Stone Grill to celebrate Dennis' bdae. Below is the bdae boy.
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The food is so so only. The stone really gets hot for quite sometime until the food gets burnt and stick to the stone. After the dinner, our whole body and hair has this bbq smell, just like Seoul Garden. Haha!