17 November 2010

Passport Photo

As I am renewing my passport, I decided to apply for the little one passport too. It is really hard to get the little one to stand straight and smile in front of the camera. Lucky there is a function in the camera that is able to take mutiple shots at a click of the button.

[ take one - smile too big ]

[ take x - decided to use this shot and photoshop it ]

[ final product ]

16 November 2010

Cheeky Boy 3

This little boy is full of mischief. Look what he had done with his toy bin. He practically emptied all his toys out and cover himself with the bin and walked around. Haha.

08 November 2010


Yes I am back to the blogging hemisphere after almost two months of absence. I kept giving excuse of losing the blogging mojo but I guess laziness was the main reason. Haha. Hopefully I would be more hardworking and post at least once a week.
Children are always curious with everything around them, my little one is no exception. His new interest or rather gadget is the iphone! I do not know how he manage to learn but apparently he knows how to slide the arrow across to unlock the phone. There were a few instances that he woke up in the morning and took my iphone and started fiddling with it. The results? He sms to my friend in some alien language and also called my in-laws place at 6.30am scaring the hell out of my MIL. Since then I decided to lock my iphone using the pin number function.

One of the little one's favourite application on the iphone is "Talking Carl". He loves to poke at Carl, tickle Carl and talk to Carl. He finds it rather amusing to have Carl repeating what he says. I guess Carl is the only one who "understands" what he says. Haha.

Being 19 months old, the little one is still babbling in his baby language with occassionally words sounding like "jie jie", "ah-ma", "por por" and "pa-pa". Are boys really slow in talking?