Wednesday, me and jackson went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, the much anticipated movie of the year. However, we got abit of difficulty remembering the ending for Part 2 as it was shown 1 year ago. Hehe! Overall we quite enjoyed the show, I felt it was much better than spiderman. Spiderman is kind of draggy and the story is not really that exciting whereas Pirates though it was long but it has more story content. Too bad Chow Yun Fatt's screen time is very little. He only appeared during the 1st half hour of the show.
Just read on Kookii blog that there is still some scenes after the ending credits. It shows 10 years later, Will came back for their once in 10 years on land meeting and Elizabeth is waiting for him with their son. Aiya I missed it! Did not know there is such a scene. Such a pity.
AIYA!!! Hw come i nvr read ur blog b4 going for the movie~~~~! I MISS IT TOO~~~~ AHHHHHHHH~~~!! JIAHUI