01 June 2006


Last night I got news from the cozycot forum that the LSS tokidoki summer range is launching in Isetan Scotts this coming weekend! Yippee! Saturday must go down and grab the bag! Hehe!

LSS Tokidoki Playground Print - Mamma Mia
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  1. Hi! I stumble upon ur site and we r fellow blythe lovers! And I love tokidoki series of LSS! :) I bought the previous series one but didnt manage to get the module tat i wan. Thanks to ur info if not i wont know they r releasin the new range this sat! :) Wonder will it be at the same price of the previous one...

  2. halo! you are also blyther lover? you post under what nickname?

  3. hey!~ :D My nick is anneanne! :)

    so did u manage to buy tge bag? it went out of stock in the afternoon! ahhhhhhhh!
