Tagged by Kookii
5 things found in your bag:
1. Wallet
2. ipod Nano
3. DS Lite
4. Tissue Paper
5. Lip Moisturiser
5 favourite things in your room:
1. Blythe Dolls
2. Comics/Manga
3. My super comfy bed
4. My dried ROM hand bouquet
5. My sister (she share room with me, but of course she is not a thing. haha)
5 things you have always wanted to do:
1. Learn ballet (but too old for that)
2. Travel around the world
3. Working in a different field
4. Baking
5. Be a tai tai (haha)
5 things you’re currently into:
1. Poupee Girl
2. DS lite gaming
3. Diet
4. Big roomy bags
5. Sweet stuffs
5 people you want to tag:
1. Denise
2. Jueline
3. Anne
4. Sandy
5. Leslie
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