Wow this weekend had been very fulfilling. Manage to settle quite a number of stuffs and also a pleasant surprise came through the mail. There is a recap of the events.
Friday - 7th March
Was on leave as I need to go for my annual check up and in the afternoon, met my carpenter at Harley Norman Millienia Walk to show her what is the design I like for my bed frame. Going to to get her to custom made my wedding bed for me and she quoted me a very attractive price. Hehe!
Then I went to Isetan Wisma to get Paul & Joe products as they are launching their spring sweetie collection. I got myself the protective dual powder foundation and the candy sprinkles face colour. I like!

Later in the evening, hubby and me went to select our bridal photos. In our package we only have 30 photos and we have to choose out from 300 pieces! In the end, after rounds of elimination we ended up with 60 pieces. So now we are $2k poorer. Haha!
Sat - 8th March
In view of me moving out of my present flat to living with hubby and in-laws, I decide to get myself a new laptop. After looking around, we shortlisted Asus and Toshiba and in the end we got Toshiba as it is a more reliable brand.

Yeah I got a new toy! and is white colour. Hehe!
Sun - 9th March
Something came through the mail today! Is from Sandy, she mailed me medicine for my blocked nose. So sweet of her! I was chatting with her on msn and randomly asked her about the remedy for constant blocked nose and she recommend this medicine. She asked for my home address and I was wondering what she is going to send to me. Haha! Taks gal!