13 January 2008


Something very sad happened last night. Me and husband decided to start to look for resale flat again as we are not going to ballot for the City View @ Boon Keng, too expensive. So we went to view a 5rm point block flat near his area. Is on the 15th floor, marble flooring and the cash that is owner is asking is within our budget.

Is hard to find this type of flat now. Usually the sellers will demand more than $50k cash for flats that are near central and high storey. After viewing, we walked around the block to take a look at the amenities. We decide to make an offer for the flat. We called the agent but he did not pick up the call. We tried 2 more times, but no luck.

So we went to Bishan for dinner. Around 7pm, he still did not return our call. We sent him an sms and he finally returned our call at 9pm. But to our dismay, the owner had sold the flat to a couple who came to view the flat after us. That couple offered for the flat straight on the spot! Sucks!

The amount that we wanted to offer is higher than them, so if the agent had answered our call, we might be the new owner of the flat. How can such things be happening to us? Our only hope right now is to pray hard that the couple's housing loan does not get approved, so after 14 days if they failed to produce the loan letter, then the owner can sell the flat to us.

We are truly very unluckly when it comes to finding our house. Sad sad sad


  1. hi Yuffie, don't be disheartened :) I'm sure your dream house is coming your way!

  2. i hope so too..haha! sort of gotten over the incident. the only thing to do now is to keep looking. ;)
