02 April 2011

My Life #1

/ 7 March, Monday night / my first time at MacDonalds drive thru

/ 9 March, Wednesday morning/ Team Leadership Toolkit Course

/ 13 March, Sunday afternoon / long overdue task, emptying out the little one's red packets

/ 16 March, Wednesday night / my fav dessert - 汤圆

/ 18 March, Friday afternoon / Balloon Lobster @ Marina Square Centre Stage

/ 19 March, Saturday morning / Brekkie with the little one

/ 25 March, Friday morning / Waiting at the bus-stop

/ 30 March, Wednesday afternoon / Junk food for lunch again

/ 31 March, Thursday night / My dinner


  1. This post really sums up all what U have been doing for Mar. Hahaha!

  2. yes yes. I will try to have it on a monthly basis.
