Guess what!! I saw Stefanie Sun at Millenia Walk last night and she was holding hand with a guy, I guess that is her bf. But I did not get to see her full face as she was walking with her head bend, maybe she doesnt want people to recognise her. Being a celebrity is tough, not much personal life at all. The paparazzi are always around, invading into their privacy. Because I keep looking at SS, I fail to notice the guy, I have no idea how he look like... ;P
I was having coffee with the gals and JH mentioned that she just finish reading "the five people you meet in heaven" by mitch albom. I have that book!! But I did not finish reading that. Therefore when I am back home, I went to fish out the book and started reading it. The story started about how an old man died in an accident. Hopefully I am able to finish the book this time round.
Today is my colleague's last day at work. Time passed so fast since the day he gave his resignation letter. Just went through with him the projects which I need to take over. Sigh! Work is going to be tough starting from next week, I have in hand 7 projects to run! God bless me!