Caught Jerold doing something funny. He just had his bath and was sitting up on our bed. I took some photos of him and when I was reviewing the photos, I saw him doing a funny action. It seems like he is trying to say 'Alamak"! Haha!
Sometime it is really hard not to love this little boy. He is just like our 开心果, one look at him will make you smile. Thats why I will try my best to come home early during weekdays, so that I can play with him, hear him laugh and pat him to sleep. When I have deadlines to meet, I would try to bring work home and only the worst situation then I would stay in the office to work.
Another reason to coming home early is to relieve my MIL her duty of looking after bb. When I am back, MIL can relax and watch her TV.
But sometimes it is really very hard to juggle between work and family. Even when I bring work home to do, it is really very tiring and hard to concentrate as I could only start to do my work after the little one is asleep, had my dinner and bath. By then it will be 9plus 10pm.