28 June 2009


happy boy

It never fails to cheer me up when I see his smiling face, even at 7am in the morning!

23 June 2009

I like...

to see him sticking out his tongue and playing with his saliva.

to see him smiling away and "talking" to me in his baby language.

sleep in rocker
to see him slowly closing his eyes and falling asleep in his rocker while being rocked.

21 June 2009

Welcome to the Family

This time round, the new addition is my Sister-in-law. My brother and his gf got ROMed this afternoon at their secondary school. It was a hot and cozy affair.

Wish them all the best in the marriage road which both of them are to create together.

bro rom

17 June 2009


These days, BB is looking more and more alike to Hubby when he is young. Can you spot the similarities? BB got his eyes, high forehead and face shape. But BB is cuter! Haha.

I have gotten back to work and by the time I reached home, he is already in a "going to sleep" mode. I missed seeing him smiling and "talking" to me with his baby language. It is so funny.

08 June 2009

Time of the Year

Yup, is the time of the year again. This year we gathered at my new place to celebrate our birthdays together since it is kind of hard of me to meet them outside. Therefore I decided to get them to my place and had a mini celebration cum house warming. One stone kills 2 birds.

Bb Jerold enjoyed the gathering too. He was 'talking' to the gals and laughing with them. I enjoyed myself too as it had been quite sometime since I last met the gals.


Happy Birthday to me and you too Sis!

03 June 2009


Jerold enjoying some quality time with his 大表姐.


Happy Two Months old, sweetie! Smuck Smuck!

02 June 2009


Got them from the post office yesterday. Very lovely earrings from Candlelight.
