5 days into the new year and this is my 1st post of the year. New year's eve was spent partying awaying in Zouk with poly friends. Initally we were at St James but it was dammed crowded so we decided to move to Zouk. In Zouk, we also saw some friends that we have not seen for a long long time - victor, cindy and jazelle. It was fun going clubbing and dancing away, especially with a close group of friends.
Too bad dear was not with me. He was at Pan Pac where his friend had booked a room there to countdown and watch the fireworks. I decided not to join him as I forsee I will be bored over there. Haha. Come to think about it, I have not seen dear in 2007 yet as I was sick after the partying.
Yup sick on the 1st day of 2007. Think is been a long time since I drink, so got gastric upset and I vomited the whole night. Lucky in the morning, the clinic opened and I was able to see the doctor.
Hmmm...so what have I done for the year of 2006....
had all of my wisdom teeth taken out....
went to straighten my permed hair....(but going to perm again)
started to look for flat with dear...
bought 2 new blythe dolls, making my collection to a total of 5...
my colleague left and I have to work together with another new colleague...
Wow...cant think of any thing anymore. Hungry already, time for lunch ;P