06 June 2010

A Trip to NTUC

[ the little one happily sitting on the supermarket trolley]

[ playing with the parts of the trolley ]

We went to grocery shop at NTUC earlier on. The little one was place in the trolley as we didn't want to bring the stroller along. He got excited when he was seated in it. However he started making a fuss when he felt sleepy (because it was his nap time already). Hubby wanted to carry him but he refused. So it was me who carried him while we continued with our marketing.

Why are kids always more attached to the mummy rather than daddy?


  1. Cute pics! Heee, perhaps they are more attached to us since we've carried them even before they were born! Our fellow also is more attached to me. When the going gets tough, its mama for him...

  2. yes yes. is always mama. haha.
