30 August 2010

Zoo Zoo Zoo

Last Saturday, we made a trip to our Singapore Zoo with a couple of friends. We reached there close to 4pm and had only 2 hours to tour the whole place. Though it was a bit rush, it was still fun as it had been years since my last visit to the zoo. By the way it was the little one first visit to the zoo. Well he was not very excited when looking at the animals. He just stare at them. Haha. Guess he must be terrified by the animals. Haha.

[ $2 Singapore Zoo mineral water ]

[ father and son looking at polar bear ]

[ close up look at the tall giraffe ]

[ family 大头照 ]

[ petite penguins ]

[ clever and playful seal ]

[ in the tram, on the way back to the entrance ]


  1. Ur son looked so cheeky in the photo~~ he responds very well to camera hor! So kawaii~~!!>_<

  2. he responsed even more cheeky to my BIL's hp camera.
